We've done a lot of things this last week, but I misplaced my camera since I last uploaded photos.
You'll have to use your imagination. We spent Saturday evening at Michael's house. Eve got to "play" with another baby her age, and Cade just got to be cute and impress people.
On Sunday, we all went to the Anoka County Fair. Our hope was to see the Demo Derby, but by the time it was scheduled to start it was too hot and the kids were tired out. We still had fun looking at animals and rides.
On Monday, the kids and I went to the Minnesota Zoo with Chris and Jillian. They had special treats for the animals because of the heat, so a news crew was out filming. Apparently the kids were on the news, we just never figured out what channel. Cade got to see the bird show and the dolphin show! (Usually he is too tired to make it to both).
We came home that evening to find out that Cade and Eve have another girl COUSIN!!
Today we spent the morning swimming with Jillian in her pool and getting rides in her Barbie Jeep.
Progress is going well on the house. We've gotten high enough with the siding that we are using scaffolding now. Almost all the windows are trimmed, I get a garage door on Thursday, and next Monday the lower level walls get built. I think Cade is going to miss the open lower floor. He can ride a trike around pretty easily on the concrete and doesn't have to steer too well.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by PS at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
About two weeks ago, I packed up the kids and we headed to Duluth to bud in on Chris, James, and Jillian's vacation. We stay in a hotel with a waterpark, and after a few minutes of checking it out, Cade loved most of it! The splash pool he wanted NOTHING to do with after seeing a huge bucket of water splash all over the kids every five minutes or so. But, the vortex pool, regular pool, and lazy river were all hits!
Eve didn't do much swimming. It was so hot and humid in the pool area, she would pretty much fall right asleep!
Turtle walk!
They had balls in the water! PERFECT!!
The vortex pool
Relaxing in the hotel room.
The next day, we headed out the Lake Superior, and went on the Vista Cruise harbor tour.
Eve's first boat ride.
Just finishing up throwing rocks in the lake!
Watching the "HUGE" boats come in
Doesn't this look dangerous...
Cade and Eve were worn out after the trip. But the next morning we went to see Grandpa play guitar in Anoka.
And the day after that, we went to Jillian's Birthday Party. Or as Cade calls it, "Happy Cake Day"
Cade had the death grip on the side of the Barbie Jeep the whole time Jilly drove him around! (I would too, she ran him into a couple of bushes!)
Practicing driving!
On Cade's last ride, the jeep ran out of batteries...
so the girls pushed him home!
Cade's stash!
Even the dog got to get in on it!
Eve was happy playing with grandma's watch.
and in the grass!
Cade was happy with rocks,
So happy in fact that he asked for rocks for his birthday.
And we delivered! (though a few weeks early)
(They get put in the ground in a day or two)
Sometime in these last few weeks Cade hit the terrible two's. He wants to be independent but all the choices overwhelm him. He acts so grown up sometimes that its hard to remember he's not even two yet!! I hope this phase passes quickly. It is so hard to see him frustrated with simple things.
Eve on the other hand is just a happy baby. She smiles, laughs, and waves at just about anything. We are still trying to get her to get something out other than a scream or a laugh. One of these days she will get her ba's and goo's!
She had a check-up last week. She is still off the charts for height- over 28" tall!! and 16 lbs 13oz. (70%).
Posted by PS at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
The kids, Wanda, and I headed up to the cabin before the 4th. Cade spent the whole day in his swimsuit. He jumped off the dock, scooped dirt, splashed, threw balls, and had a blast.
Eve tried to eat the dirt all afternoon while watching her brother.
The sleeping ducks. Cade wanted them to "fly up".
The Engelson's came to visit again.
Cade tried to convince Matt to come into the pool.
On the 3rd, we went to my folks house to watch fireworks.
I couldn't help but notice our festive appetizers.
Cade and Jillian played outside for most the evening.
About 9:30, trying to stay awake to see his first 4th of July fireworks.
Hopefully he enjoyed it. Unfortunately Eve was in bed around 7 and missed to whole thing.
I found some photos of our 4th of July last year. I can't believe how fast kids and stomachs grow.
We went to visit Jay and Melissa and their son, Justin.
After promising we'd go to the zoo for about a week, we finally made it last Friday.
We went to see the new Sparky show.
Cade was entranced the whole time.
I was disappointed that the new Sparky can't blow a horn.
Eve was there too.
We went to Como Town. I tried to get Cade to go on a real ride, and he just screamed "No!" So he finally agreed to a quarter ride and had a lots of fun.
This is what happens when I tell Cade to put mommy's robe and Eve's hat away.
Not to be out done by Eve's new found talents, Dad taught Cade a few new tricks this week.
How to dunk Oreos
and how to clean a carboy.
The house is coming along well.
Does anybody notice the green crayon all over his face?
Don't nurse a baby to sleep when your child has crayons in a different room, this could have been MUCH worse.
Posted by PS at 8:28 PM 0 comments